The Most Advanced Technology
PET/CT scans can detect problems earlier, ensure a more accurate diagnosis and locate tumors and possible metastasis from primary tumor sites.
Able to Accommodate Spanish Speaking Patients. Habla Español.
COVID-19 Update: Our offices are open. Please call the office for more information.
Beverly Hills: 352-746-6888 | Ocala: 352-622-1133
PET/CT scans can detect problems earlier, ensure a more accurate diagnosis and locate tumors and possible metastasis from primary tumor sites.
Shorter Scan Times
PET/CT Services of Florida have approximate scan times of 14 to 16 minutes compared to 30 to 40 minutes on older systems.
Less FDG Dose
FDG is the radioactive pharmaceutical used for PET/CT imaging. Our new generation of GE Discovery IQ System allows us to use less FDG, thereby reducing radiation exposure.